Monday, October 24, 2011

the ongoing quest for the perfect pumpkin

We haven't bought a pumpkin for the porch yet.  Remember how hard it was to find the perfect one last year

I keep wondering if the last week in October is too late to acquire pumpkins.  But they're still cute in November, right? 

We went back to the greenway over the weekend to enjoy the sunshine and cool air.  We did not take a picnic this time and I personally felt that our visit was the poorer for it.  Lesson learned: always take a picnic. 

The other difference between this visit and the last is that this time we both wore sensible shoes, ready for tromping along dusty paths and across the swinging bridge.  We tromped so far that we ended up at the fall festival again and treated ourselves to some orange sherbet for making it that far. 

The other big activity of the weekend involved tucking all of our plant cuttings cozily into the ground for the winter ahead.  We've had two cold nights already and some of them were beginning to look a bit worse for the wear. 

This week, I'm working on some exciting plans for the shop and getting ready for a giant fabric order to arrive.  I love getting fabric delivered to my door!  I'll be sure to share pictures once it's here!

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