Tuesday, October 25, 2011

craft fair highs and lows

It's craft fair time again, friends. 

I've done this before, but not on such a large scale.  I'm whipping up stacks of zipper pouches and checkbook covers.  I've got a basket full of lanyards, just waiting to be rifled through.  No fabric scrap is safe from being turned into something useful. 

The great thing about preparing for a craft fair is that I get to use up all the remnants of other projects.  I love clearing out old fabric to make room for new!  (In fact, I'm listening for the UPS truck as we speak...)

The other great thing is that I don't need five good pictures of each item in order to sell it.  See this cute scarf?  I've made three of them.  They're sitting patiently upstairs, waiting to be sold.  But I haven't been able to get any shop pictures of them and I doubt that someone is going to contact me about buying a scarf they've never seen, but just had a hunch I was hiding in my guest room. 

But at a craft fair, you can see the items in person!  You can pick them up and try them out!  What fun! 

Want to know the downside to craft fairs? 

I never know when I'm done preparing. 

Is it when I've made everything on my list?  When I run out of zippers?  When I break four needles in two hours and decide to call it a day? 

Unfortunately, I think I already know what the answer is: it's when we start loading the car.

If you live nearby and want a chance to see all these things that will probably never make it into my online shop, you should stop by and visit us at the fair!  Here's the important information:

Saturday, November 5th, 9am-2pm
St. Stephen United Methodist Church
6800 Sardis Road, Charlotte

Other than seeing Steve and I, here are some more great reasons to come:

- the cute old men's group makes and sells barbecue sandwiches for lunch.  You don't want to miss this.  The barbecue, or the men. 
- each vendor has to donate a door prize, which means over 50 cool door prizes that you could win
- you could finish your Christmas shopping without having to brave Target in December

Hope to see you there!  If you're too far away to make it, I'm sure we'll have lots of pictures to share that will make you almost feel like you were there.  I'll even take a picture of my barbecue sandwich.  And the old man who makes it. 

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