Thursday, October 27, 2011

the view from my ironing board

Today I am camped out upstairs with all my new fabric.  It's quite cozy.

This was the largest fabric order I have ever made.  The UPS man could barely wrangle the box through our front door.  I was so excited when it got here that I think I was bouncing up and down a little as I let him in.  Hopefully he didn't notice, what with the big box in his face and all. 

The first thing I do when I get new fabric is lay it all out on the floor and make sure I like it.  This time around, I am not returning a single thing, which is pretty rare. 

The second thing I do is to separate all the fabric by color and wash it.  I took me five loads this time. 

I told you it was a big box. 

After the washing comes the ironing, which I actually like a lot.  Sometimes I watch a movie or talk on the phone while I iron.  Today, I set up in front of the window to enjoy the view. 

The leaves are just beginning to change.  It's quite windy, so there's a lot of leaf blowing going on.  I've never ironed at this particular window before, but I think it's a new favorite. 

Now that the fabric is ready, I get to begin the most fun part- sewing with it!  I have a mile-long list of projects to make for the upcoming fall and winter. 

Once I finish sewing for the day, I'm whipping up some of Frank's Minestrone for dinner tonight and looking forward to cuddling in with Steve for the chilly weekend ahead. 

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