Friday, September 02, 2011

normal as blueberry pie

I had a delicious slice of blueberry pie while we were in Maine and have been dreaming about making one ever since. 

We're hosting more house guests this weekend, which seemed like the perfect excuse.  (As if I need an excuse to make pie...)

I was a little short on blueberries (and wishing that Mom were here with a bag full of fresh picked ones from her patch), so I threw in some peaches for good measure. 

One of our current favorite CDs is "Normal as Blueberry Pie" by Nellie McKay.  It's a Doris Day tribute and makes me want to twirl around the house with a feather duster.  I caught myself humming snippets while I worked on the pie this morning. 

I recently learned this trick for covering the edges of the pie crust.  Normally I would just make a million little strips of foil and try to wrap them around the edges.  The other day I read that you can trace the bottom of the pie plate onto a piece of foil and then cut out the circle in the middle, making a perfect crust shield.  I love learning new things. 

Labor Day weekend is always so much fun!  We may even get the pool out on Monday for one last hurrah.  We're also planning to squeeze in a farmer's market trip, a visit to Steve's new office, and, of course, blueberry pie. 

Hope your weekend is long and happy!

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