Friday, May 11, 2012

time to hide the Easter eggs

I feel like the past week has passed in a blur of washing sheets and trying to keep enough food in the house, but it's been a fun blur.

Every child who shows up here wants to know why the Easter eggs are still out.  Why are the Easter eggs still out?  Because in my head, Easter was about three days ago. 

Where does the time go?

Well, aside from the cooking and cleaning, I think a significant amount of time has passed me by while sitting at the sewing machine.  I'm super excited about the response to the new market totes that have been in the shop for about two weeks now.  Have you checked them out yet?  I just added a new one with some awesome jute handles yesterday. 

My friend, Stephanie, who was here earlier this week, was nice enough to drive me to the fabric store so that I could get some more of that amazing fabric.  While I was there, I picked up two new prints by the same designer and am anxious to get some samples sewn up and in the shop. 

Today I'm making this strawberry pie for the weekend ahead.  Can you believe we've almost used up all of the strawberries we picked?   I'm itching to go back and pick some more before the season is over. 

Hope your weekend is happy!

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