Monday, May 14, 2012

we're out

We're out of tissues. 

We're out of hand soap and dish soap.

We're out of clean napkins. 

We're out of clean towels.  And dishes. 

We're out of ketchup, milk, lunch meat, and coffee. 

But mostly, we're all out of patience with this silly business of living so far apart. 

Best part of the weekend: cracking open the atlas and pinpointing an area we could all agree to live in.  It may be years away, but it feels good to have a goal. 

How was your weekend?  Did you set any life goals?  (Goal setting is secretly one of my favorite things!)


  1. im so glad that you all have a goal to live near each other in the future. its hard to be away from your best friends.
    glad you had a good weekend.
    love you,

  2. is that dot the epicenter?
