Monday, March 05, 2012

spring is for stitching

It seems like just yesterday that 2012 was brand new and I was dreaming about learning new things.  And dreaming about helping other people learn new things. 

Today, I find myself firmly entrenched in March (how did that happen?!) and ready to be inspired and motivated all over again.  The coming of spring is like a new year in its own way, don't you think? 

So I'm opening up registration for spring sewing classes today, giddy with anticipation of what's to come.  The winter session was so much fun, I can't even tell you.  You'll just have to imagine it.  Or you could take the spring class and see for yourself...

Every single person who took the class had some degree of fear of her sewing machine when we began.  Nobody knew how to wind a bobbin.  Nobody knew what a blind stitch was. 

And now?  They are out there serving dinner beside their new cloth napkins and fearlessly planning their next projects. 

I am so proud. 

And I am so excited to start again, with a new group, and empower some more people to stitch their own stuff. 

The Classes tab has been updated with dates and times and the registration button will be up in the sidebar until March 23rd, or until all spots are filled. 

While I wait for classes to start, I'll be busy with a little stitching of my own!

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