Monday, January 30, 2012

a proper welcome

This weekend, we celebrated with some good friends the arrival of a new baby in our midst.  I was in charge of decorations. 

After fighting a cold for several days, Saturday arrived and I was still in charge of decorations and Steve, as it turned out, was in charge of feeding me medicine at regular intervals and helping me stay upright through the whole event.  And decorations too. 

Our biggest task was making flower arrangements for all the tables.  Floral options in January are fairly limited, even here in the South, but I was quite proud of what we came up with. 

You also may spot a familiar party banner in the background.  It worked out perfectly that I just happened to have one in Levi's colors.  We strung it right up, set out the flowers, and then settled in for a good time. 

I had been working all week on some burp cloths for the occasion.  I may not be a Clemson fan, but I have to admit that paw print is pretty cute. 

There were lots of great gifts.  Isn't it fun how people just love to buy things for babies?  I find baby shower gifts infinitely more fun than wedding shower gifts.  It's hard to make a cheese grater exciting. 

While we oohhhed and aaahhhed over each miniature bib and tiny pair of socks, Levi worked the crowd.

He was content to lay on shoulder after shoulder, sometimes awake, sometimes asleep. 

Mostly asleep.  But I love that he'll be able to look back, when he's older, and see what fun we had celebrating his arrival. 

After the shower, Steve took me home and parked me on the sofa, where I rested and rested and I think it worked because today I am feeling much better.  I've been doing housework all morning and haven't contemplated taking a nap once.  The sure sign of health. 

We're still enjoying the flowers that we arranged and tomorrow I thought I'd share a tutorial on how we did it.  If you can believe it, I took a floral design course in college and I was actually able to use some of what I learned! 

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