Friday, August 19, 2011

planning ahead

As a business owner, one thing that I have found to be a challenge is the lead time required to prepare items for sale in a specific season.  I usually start thinking about making fall products sometime around mid-September.  And then they are ready by Christmas.  Clearly, this is not a perfect system. 

But this year, there is something in the air, and I've already ordered fabric for fall and planned projects for fall and, by golly, I just might get most of them sewed before it is actually fall

I'm catching on. 

A couple of flannel baby blankets are on the docket.  This bird print was too precious to resist- I'm making it into a blanket, but I also think it would be delightful as curtains or a little dress. 

I found out last weekend that, sadly, I will no longer be able to get the ginkgo print that I'd been using for the checkbook covers.  Thankfully, I found this classy lace print in three great colors for fall, so I'll be whipping up some new ones for the shop very soon! 

The part of my recent fabric order that I am most excited about though are the fabrics that I plan to turn into scarves.  I made a batch of cotton voile scarves last winter that sold out pretty quickly.  I made a batch this spring that did not sell very quickly.  I'm learning.  Even though I will happily sport a lightweight scarf all the way through April, not everyone is as cold natured. 

But I think we can all agree that there are few things nicer in the fall when the air is brisk than a smooth, cozy scarf around your neck, brightening everyone's day. 

I'm crazy about cotton voile for scarves because it is breathable and drapey and not at all itchy. 

But I saw this scarf in the most recent Land's End cataloge and it got me in the mood for something a bit heavier than voile, but still super soft.  So I ordered several yards of striped jerset knit (think t-shirt) and plan to fashion some scarves out of it as well.  Can you believe all those great colors?  I think it will match everything. 

Today I am roasting a chicken while I play with my new fabrics.  I love the smell of something roasting in the oven with rosemary and garlic. 

This weekend we will be celebrating with our friend, Kayla, as she begins her new life as David's wife!  How fun!  I love going to weddings with Steve because I always start daydreaming about our wedding day.  I listen to the vows and usually get a little teary eyed because I remember when we said them and I think that when you're saying those vows, you just don't know.  It's the first day of your marriage and you can't know what is to come.  I find them so much more meaningful now because we've weathered sickness and health, better and worse.  Now, looking back a few years, I feel more of the weight of those promises and the joy that it is to have someone who is willing to keep those promises with me.  And it is a joy.     

Hope your weekend is filled with joy as well!  I'll meet you back here on Monday!

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