Thursday, January 13, 2011

sneak preview

Above is a picture of my attempt to convince Steve to work from home all week long. Hot cookies and milk at 3:00. I know- underhanded. But what can I say? He's my favorite.

However, while "snow" is apparently an acceptable excuse for working from home, "hot cookies" doesn't seem to have near as much clout.

I've had plenty of projects keeping me company though. I am super excited to be working on my first ever holiday collection (I really wanted those words to have sparkles coming out of them, but bold and pink was the best I could do). I have decided to work up a collection of items in honor of Valentine's Day and debut them in the shop on January 24th.

I have had so much fun working up prototypes this week! I think it really helps that pink is my favorite color.

The collection will have some home decor items, some accessories, and some fun gifts. You could make it easy on your husband and email him a link to the shop. Just saying.

Oh and the hand stitching! Nothing says love quite like hand stitched hearts and letters. I think that people were probably hand stitching hearts and letters long before flowers and chocolate got involved in the holiday. I like to keep it old school.

And don't worry- the items in this collection will be suitable long past February 14th, because do pink and red and cute ever go out of style? I don't think so.

So, January 24th, I will be doing a full blog reveal of all the fun stuff I've been stitching up, as well as posting everything in the shop. There will be hearts and laughter and rejoicing. And cupcakes? Yes, let's have cupcakes as well.

Wishing you a weekend full of hearts and hot cookies.

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