Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January mantle

I think that every year, one of the biggest post-holiday challenges is to make the house look just as pretty and cozy in January as it did in December. Those are some big shoes to fill. We had a live tree in the house, for goodness sake.

In our house, every season of decorating starts with the mantle. It's the focal point of our main living area. It's in the center of the room. It's a long white display shelf just begging to be gussied up.

The balance I am always trying to find, come January, is how to decorate with winter-appropriate colors and textures, without looking stark and bare. The last thing I need on a dreary day is a stark house. If the weather's not going to make the pretty, I'm going to make the pretty.

So, without further explanation, (because I'm sure you're starting to wonder just how long I can expound on my mantle decorations) I present.....

The January Mantle.
While it doesn't have a lot of color, I think that the silver surfaces and white lights keep it from looking cold. And, in case anyone is still reading this, I'll give you a quick rundown of what is up there and where it's from (if I know):

White Christmas lights (that I couldn't bear to put away) covered with white tulle (Michael's)
Two white magnolia branches (Target)
Various sizes of silver candlesticks and bowls (Ikea and TJ Maxx)
White candles (anywhere)
Silver framed flower picture (Target, long long ago)
Striped fabric covered bulletin board (not sure)

We also scored this lovely silver framed mirror from Ikea last weekend. It was destined for the mantle, but ended up being way too large. So now it is waiting to be properly mounted to the wall, once we finish discussing just how far apart the studs might be. Or until we get out the stud finder.

I usually change my mantle about every other month and it is my plan to share each new design in case anyone needs ideas.

And the snow? Well, it's still here. Now covered by a thin layer of ice. Today I will be heating up the kitchen with beef stew and cornbread and working on some more new shop projects. I'll have a sneak preview on Thursday of what I've been stitching.

I'll meet you back here. Until then- stay warm!


  1. Hey Lauren,

    I love your blog. I am going to try that soup one of these days :)
    I am bookmarking you right now!


  2. Thanks Tammy! It's exciting for me to know who my audience is!

  3. i know exactly how you feel after taking the christmas decorations down, it can be so depressing! you did a beautiful job on the mantle, im inspired!
