Tuesday, January 18, 2011

long weekend

We had a belated Christmas celebration with Steve's family in Virginia this weekend. After being back to normal around here for two weeks, it was fun to see more Christmas lights, open more gifts, and have another feast. I might try to drag the holidays out until spring this year and see how that goes.

One of my favorite thing about Steve's parent's house is all the windows and the great lighting. They can grow so many plants in there and I am so jealous! I have long drooled over this adorable orange tree and plotted how I could grow one in my own house.

The weekend was full of "firsts", which made it especially fun. We took our first trip to Lucketts, which deserves an entire blog post all its own and will probably get one later this week. Let's just say that I could have purchased enough there to fill a giant moving van, but ended up restraining myself to just one metal wall hook. I'm an all or nothing kind of girl.

We went out to a delicous dinner and met Katharine's boyfriend for the first time. It was fun to have someone else at the table with dark hair.

Katharine, who is as crafty as they come, taught us to make these cool origami lotus flowers. This was our first attempt. I think that, given time, we could perfect the art. I love paper flowers and want to make a bunch for decorating and wrapping gifts. Or a garland- wouldn't that be lovely?

We also honed our knitting skills (we've taken a long break since we started learning) and learned to crochet. It is SO much easier to learn from a live person and not a library book! I think that my dream of knitting together on the sofa on a cold January day will be realized after all. Katharine is crocheting a full sized blanket and I was super inspired and want to do one as well. But I think it will have to get in line after my quilt. Which is still just a vision in my mind. So. We'll see about that.

After load upon load of laundry and a quick grocery trip, I think I can finally start sewing for the day. Better late than never.

The best thing about a week where Monday is a holiday? When you get to Friday, it only feels like Thursday and then- SURPRISE!- you're done.

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