Wednesday, December 01, 2010

wrapping things up

We finally made it to dinner time. After a couple of fun hours in the kitchen with Mom, everything was ready and relatively hot.

A buffet line was formed and plates were filled. And filled again.

We toasted the year and settled in for the evening together. How many days do we get to spend every hour together? Not enough, that's how many.

We cleared the table, dishes were done courtesy of one amazing sister, and we got down to business. It's just not a holiday without a fierce round of Nerts. And I'm telling you, things can get pretty intense. At one point I was up on my knees in my chair for a better angle. And I may or may not, but probably did, tell Steve that I would bite his arm if he put it in front of me again. Maybe.

We took a "break" for dessert, but then were in such a cheesecake coma that we could not continue the game. So Corbin won, but we all know it's just because he has the longest arms.

This was just one day. I haven't even mentioned the Black Friday shopping or the haircuts. The time that my sweetheart and I snuck away to the tree where he proposed almost exactly six years ago. The visits with old friends. The dinner at Cracker Barrel on the way home that raised Cracker Barrel a whole three notches in my opinion of road trip stopping options.

I could go on and on. But it is December 1st today and time to move on to December things. And just so you know, my love for the first of the month is multiplied by 100 in December. It is, by far, my favorite 1st.

Next week, I will have lots to share about all the holiday prep that is going on around here. This week, I have lots left to do. Especially because tomorrow night will bring a sleigh full of visitors, one of which will be making her inaugural trip to our house. So we want to have everything just right.

Will she care about the red and white pillow covers or the fresh greenery on the mantle? I think she just might.


  1. What fun posts about you'lls holiday! So glad to see it was wonderful!

    Enjoy your visit this weekend. Miss Rose has some super sweet cheeks!

  2. Mia just finished packing her bag for Uncle Steve's house (we'll see if you get an Aunt or and Uncle in front of your name this time...). Rose definitely loves Christmas decor so don't skimp ;) Can't wait to load up the sleigh (minus presents) and come on down!!!!!!!!!

  3. ok and that was an ordeal to get my first comment posted- i had to hark back to my old screen name and somehow i remembered my password!
