Saturday, May 31, 2014

May is just an excuse to party

It should be noted that I still often find myself composing blog posts in my head.  It should also be noted that I am currently blogging in a bit of a panic, as I realized that I had only posted once in the whole glorious month of May and I couldn't really believe that about myself.  

Since we last chatted, we have been living it up over here.  We celebrated mother's day and my birthday on back to back weekends and I had such a good time that I almost felt guilty about it.  Almost.  Steve loves me so well and he is teaching Arthur to do the same.  Those two took me out for lovely meals and frozen yogurt and surprised me with a framed photo and M & M's.  Arthur signed his "A" in a card that said "Happy Birthday Mom" on the front and I was unprepared for how that would make me tear right up with joy.  

Steve and I also went on an amazing, five hour long date.  It was exactly as wonderful as that sounds and we're already plotting how we can do it again.  We sipped lattes (sipped, I tell you!) and dreamed about the future, did a little shopping, and ate lunch outside.  I've found myself, in the weeks since, trying to remember that feeling- of nowhere to be and the cool morning air and a warm drink shared with my sweetheart.  

We also took a family vacation to the beach to celebrate nine years of marriage.  We actually stayed at this very same beach condo last year for our anniversary as well, about three weeks after we returned home from Taiwan.  It was so much fun this year to compare everything to last year and see how far we've come as a family.  (Arthur speaks English now!  He's almost potty trained!  We sleep most of the night!)

Taking a few days off for vacation meant that I was unusually busy with shop work the week before we left. I have four new bow tie fabrics (including two florals, which I'm super stoked about) waiting to be sewn into samples, a project I'm hoping to complete in June.  I'm also playing around with a new tie shape- something a bit slimmer in nature.  I was inspired by the bow ties on the most recent season of Downton Abbey and have been wanting to offer something similar in the shop.  

If May was the month of celebrations, June is shaping up to be the month of visitors!  We always host a lot of visitors in the summer and I can't wait for everyone to start arriving.  The June issue of Country Living has about 20 homemade ice cream and gelato recipes and I'm looking for an excuse to try them all!


  1. I'm so glad you got to experience one of the many joys of being a mom. Arthur signing his A will be a wonderful memory you'll have forever and that feeling when you received the card will remain with you also. I still have those wonderful memories of the things you and your siblings made for me and I will cherish them forever! I love you!
