Monday, August 06, 2012

food thoughts

May I recommend Eggs Benedict, California style?  Two slices of tomato, three slices of avocado, one poached egg, two strips of bacon, and a dab of Hollandaise. 

Saturday morning breakfast was everything I'd dreamed it would be.  Next time, I'm also going to dream about some hash browns. 

I realize, whenever I look through our pictures, that we frequently photograph our food.  Sometimes it seems weird, but mostly it seems regular.  I mean, we do eat three times every single day.  That's a lot of food.  And most of it is just so pretty- all those bright colors and different textures. 

Sometimes, I worry that to an outsider, it could appear that we eat too much.  So I thought it could be helpful, for scale purposes, to share this picture.  We went to Bruster's for ice cream.  We got a "split single"- half a scoop of coconut sherbet, half a scoop of strawberry sherbet.  That's right- we shared the half scoops.  Secretly, in my heart, I wanted more, but once we had eaten it, it seemed like just the right amount.

Could portion control be an Olympic sport?  I think we'd have a good chance at gold. 

We had this salad one night for dinner last week and then I recreated it for lunch every single day after that because I couldn't get it off my mind.  Spinach + grilled ginger lime chicken + candied pecans + berries + Havarti = the best salad I've ever put in my mouth.  I think it even beat the steak, and that's saying a lot. 

We had a great weekend and accomplished a lot, but all I have to show you is the food.

Today I'm working on more fabric design and calculating how much gray wool felt I will need to make 100 bag handles.  Man, that sounds like a ton of handles.  Hopefully some sewing elves will come in the night and finish them.  Otherwise, it's all me.  I have got to teach Steve to sew. 

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