Monday, March 26, 2012

life's a happy song when there's someone by your side to sing along

Happy Monday, friends!  Did you have a good weekend?  Ours involved yard work, housework, sunshine, rain, and some time with old friends.  But the BEST part of the weekend started yesterday around 6pm. 

All the work was done.  We were showered and clean.  We ran out to Harris Teeter to get a movie from Redbox and decided to pick up dinner while we were there. 

We were starving, so that made food selection a bit tricky.  Tricky as in we wanted to get everything.  The kind sushi man (sushi chef?  iron chef?) suggested we try a sample of the crispy crab roll.  It was delicious.  We grabbed a whole roll to take home and kept looking. 

We came to the prepared food counter, where they had egg rolls.  It seemed that we were going with an Asian theme, so we asked for two of those. 

But then, at the bakery case, after much debate over chocolate mousse and apple fritters, we decided on cannoli and the theme became apparent: rolls.  Because when you realize that your whole dinner is in the shape of a tube, there's nothing left to do but go with it. 

We love cannoli, but had never gotten them from Harris Teeter before.  They fill them right when you order and you can choose chocolate or vanilla filling!  And you can get the shell covered in chocolate! 

It was exciting, I tell you. 

And the movie?  The Muppets.  It was...magical.  I loved the music and the dancing and the humor.  I was so enthralled that I forgot about all the rolls on the plate in front of me for long stretches of time. 

I've been humming "Life's a Happy Song" all morning and enjoying that truth, straight from the mouths of a bunch of puppets.

Something else exciting from the weekend?  I finished our quilt!  I'll share some pictures later in the week. 

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