Wednesday, March 28, 2012

the big finish

It seemed like there should be a little bit of fanfare or something.  I was secretly hoping for the 100,000th customer experience- flashing lights, confetti, maybe a little whooping and hollering. 

But instead, I quietly finished the very last stitch on my quilt, and nothing happened. 

I looked at the quilt in disbelief. 

It looked back, all finished and sassy-like. 

"I finished!" I yelled out the back door to Steve.

"Woo hoo!!" he yelled back. 

He must have known I secretly wanted hollering. 

This quilt has been my companion over the past eight months.  I started dreaming about it last August, when it was way too hot to think of quilts.  By September, I was choosing fabric and getting started.  In November, I finally finished cutting and piecing squares and started quilting it by hand.  January came, and I was still quilting by hand.  My hands can only move so fast. 

I have missed every single goal that I set for myself for finishing the quilt.  But on March 25th- the real date of completion- I didn't even care.  Aside from graduating from college, this may be the biggest long-term project I've ever completed.  I couldn't be prouder.

We decided that it is thin enough for spring and summer use and for that I am grateful.  Because that means that every night this week, I've had the satisfaction of falling asleep under several layers of my own hard work.  Usually with a smile on my face. 


  1. It's beautiful! Congratulations! You should be very proud!

  2. Bravo! Here's a "whoop whoop" via the Internet:).

  3. I love the quilt! Your talents just continue to amaze me. I can't wait to see it in person:)
    Love to you both,

  4. That is the gorgeous! Can't wait to see it in person. I'm so proud of you :) xoxo

  5. The vibrant color just screams Lauren Marie Perkin...I mean the quilt..well it just works. I am always impressed when someone can make something like that out of one piece of beechwood!

  6. Such beautiful colors and I love your hand stitching! You should be proud!

  7. LOVE IT LAUREN I wish I could see it in person. Bring it with you when you come up
