Friday, February 24, 2012

a much needed weekend

What started out as a short week has turned into something quite busy and I am thrilled that it's Friday.  Beyond thrilled.  A weekend at home after a weekend away is so sweet. 

Plus, we're expecting my grandparents for a quick visit, which is very exciting.  I'm making banana muffins and cheese dip this afternoon in preparation.  Not to be eaten together.  I think I'll also cut some of our eager daffodils and put them in the guest room for a treat. 

In other news, I have been waiting for a big fabric order that should be arriving today.  We've been scheming and working up plans for a fabulous spring collection and I can't wait to get started on the actual sewing part! 

This week, I came across a basket full of skinny belts and lanyards that I made back in the fall.  I checked the shop and most of them weren't even in there!  Far be it from me to deprive the world of colorful accessories, so I took some pictures and they can now all be viewed online, instead of just on the bookshelf in my sewing room.  It's been a productive week. 

Here's hoping that your weekend is restful and happy!

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