Monday, February 27, 2012

every day is a gift

We had dinner out and stayed up late talking and then said our goodbyes after a breakfast of fruit and muffins.  My grandparent's visit was short, but full. 

I loved showing them our home and the quilt I'm working on and the bird feeder and all the other things that I just knew they would like. 

We asked a few questions and did a lot of listening and I found myself wanting to write it all down because I don't want to forget any of the details.  About how they met in Paris, how Grandpa proposed over the phone, how they moved all over the world and had babies and adventures and ended up here together, still. 

Their visit left us talking about if we are taking enough risks and doing enough big things.  I want to have stories that will fascinate my grandchildren.  And I may not ever live in a tent in the jungle, but I want to do my own big things.  Our own big things. 

And when Memaw squeezed my hand and said, "Every day is a gift", I knew it- sometimes older really is wiser.  This thing that I've been trying to learn, this discipline that I've been working on- she gets it.

This morning, I loaded up my journal with ways that today is a gift: because I'm home, which is exactly where I want to be; because I have projects to work on that I enjoy; because we're both healthy right now. 

Hope today feels like a gift to you as well. 

*ps- I've posted the sesame chicken recipe.  Enjoy!

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