Wednesday, February 15, 2012

m & m's are the way to my heart

I hope that you had a lovely day yesterday.  I know I sure did.  It started with heart shaped pancakes and ended with mini cannoli.  And squished into the middle, all cozy-like, were sewing class and visiting with friends, and phone calls from people I love.  It was a great kind of day.

Here I am, flipping pancakes.  Of course I wore pink.  What fun is Valentine's day if you don't dress for it a little bit? (I had a roommate once- and I assure you it was not Steve- who felt it was important to wear pink underwear on Valentine's day.  I have yet to reach that level of holiday cheer.)

I moved a little table in by the fire for dinner and we had such a good time, eating and talking.  It's not hard to make a day special. 

This week, I continue to work on shop projects for the spring. I love shopping for just the right fabric and trying out a pattern idea several times to get it just right.  

I have been thinking all week about which item to offer for the daily deal tomorrow and I think it's going to be one that hasn't even been posted in the shop yet!  I hope you'll stop in to check it out, and remember- when they're gone, they're gone- so get yours early!

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