Monday, January 09, 2012

bird party

Well, we finally took down the Christmas decorations.  As sad as it was, it was also nice to vacuum away all the tree needles and start the year with a clean slate.  I haven't decorated for January yet (see last year's mantle here), so our family room is very bare and white and looks a little bit like we've been robbed.  Or attacked by Pottery Barn. 

Speaking of white- I'm totally excited about these paper whites popping out of their bulbs by the back door.  Flowers in the winter?  Yes, please. 

Our weekend was filled with a little of this and a little of that, where "this" was mainly quilting and sewing and "that" was usually Steve taking pictures of birds.  We're so exciting, it's a wonder they haven't made a reality TV show about us yet. 

We also took apart my old sewing machine for a good clean and oil so that it will be in tip top shape when classes start up in two weeks.  Two weeks!  I can hardly wait! 

We also managed to get a few pictures for the shop this weekend and I'm working on posting some new products today, one of which is my first ever men's scarf!  I made one for Steve in November and he's been wearing it ever since, so I decided to make a few more.  Because why should ladies get all the handmade fun?

It is very dark out today and I am doing laundry and making lentil soup and trying not to miss the Christmas tree too much.  I'm also working on a small blog series of food how-tos and am looking for a few more ideas.  So if there's something you're dying to know how to make- let me know!

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