Tuesday, December 13, 2011

You may have missed the party, but you didn't miss the prizes

Well, we've thrown our last Plumfield Party for the year and I finally got around to putting away all the merchandise that had been packed up like a mobile craft fair for the past six weeks.  I filled a basket with items to be photographed at a later date and posted in the shop.  It was a pretty full basket. 

I fully intended to put off this task until the new year, but the light was so lovely this morning that I just had to take some pictures.  In the interest of productivity, I decided to take pictures of things that needed to be photographed anyway, as opposed to Christmas ornaments or my egg salad sandwich.  But it was a really great sandwich, I assure you.

Most of these items were samples that I made up for the parties using exciting new fabrics.  Even though we plan to throw more parties in the spring, I plan to make different samples for those in springier colors and patterns. 

We are settled into the time of year when I can't show many pictures of what I'm doing, because what I'm doing is making Christmas gifts.  But it's fun and they're cute and I'm sure I'll do a big recap after they've all been handed out.  I love handmade gifts. 

I also love that we are traveling two times this month, which gives me two opportunities to pack up my new duffel bag.  I think that, of all my new projects, I am the most excited about this one.  I want somebody to order one, just because I can imagine how much they'll love using it.  I think it would be the perfect thing to spend a little Christmas money on.  Don't you love it when you get Christmas money?  Such a treat, to get to pick out one more gift for yourself after the holiday hubbub is over. 

There are only 12 days left until Christmas- can you believe it?  There are still so many celebratory things that I want to squeeze in!  I think that tonight we'll watch a Christmas movie and maybe wrap some gifts.  Sounds like the perfect end to a sunny day. 

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