Monday, December 12, 2011

48 hours of holiday fun

For most of our younger lives, Natalie and I were inseparable.  If you had plans with one of us, you had plans with both of us.  If you thought you'd hired one babysitter, you got two.  And, during the month of December, we were especially inseparable. 

I have so many happy Christmas memories and traditions that have her face all over them.  We'd shop for gifts together.  We sing the Twelve Days of Christmas while hanging ornaments with her family.  We'd work at the wrapping booth with my mom.  We'd host parties, plan surprises, and exchange gifts on Christmas Eve. 

Distance is a hard thing.  These days, our Christmas festivities are limited to phone calls and one fabulous December weekend where we try to squeeze in all the fun we can.  I'm so thankful to still have that. 

We went on a dinner date, just us grownups.  The food and atmosphere were terrific and the company was even better.  We talked and laughed and shared meals and desserts and it felt like we might be in college again.  Natalie and I shared a love seat and went to the restroom at the same time and the handsome men across the table paid the bill. 

We hung around the house with the kids, usually all piled onto one bed or sofa.  I know I'm biased, but those are the funniest kids I've ever met.  Rose doesn't say a lot of words, but has a few favorites that she bellows out in a very low, throaty voice.  Just imagine ogre-like noises coming out of that sweet face.  It's hilarious. 

We cooked together and opened gifts and played games into the wee hours.  We listened to non-stop Christmas music and had the fireplace going morning and night.  We finished off a gallon of apple cider and a gallon of homemade Chex mix. 

It was the best kind of weekend. 

It's a good thing that I love our home so much, or I'd be feeling pretty melancholy today.  But I've got the tree lights on and Christmas music playing.  I've bumped the thermostat up a few degrees, as a treat.  My plan for the afternoon includes some hot tea and quilt stitching.  I've also got a few final Christmas projects for the shop to finish up. 

Still have some shopping left to do?  Everything listed in my shop is ready to ship, so you have plenty of time to order a few more gifts! 

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