Wednesday, December 28, 2011

brown paper packages tied up with string

I made a couple of wreaths for my mom and sister this year.  Have you ever tried to gift wrap a wreath?  Thankfully, I didn't think about that part before making them, or I may have changed my mind. 

Everything worked out for the best though, because Steve came up with a great plan.  Not surprisingly, the plan involved a roll of brown contractor's paper from Lowe's that he's been wanting for some time now. 

We made large gift bags out of the paper that the wreaths could easily slide into.  Then I punched some holes and made handles out of garden twine. 

Then, I felt so inspired that I decorated the bags by writing "brown paper packages tied up with string" on them.  I've never actually given or received a brown paper package tied up with string before.  It seemed like kind of an occasion.  I wanted to make sure they noticed. 

I'm looking forward to more creative projects with our roll of brown paper- I'm picturing a table runner with the menu written right on it or maybe a monthly calendar that covers a whole wall. 

Are you excited about the new year yet?  I accidentally started writing 2012 on things about a month ago, so apparently I'm ready.  I always like even years better anyway. 

We don't have any concrete plans yet, but I'll be sure to let you know what we end up doing to celebrate on new year's eve.  If history is our guide, it will be super fun and a little bit crazy! 

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