Friday, October 07, 2011

Friday I'm in Love

We got a new camera this week.  For someone that averages several hundred pictures each week, this is pretty exciting.  It's like I just picked up a new coworker. 

Over the past two days, we've taken pictures of every single item in our house and yard. 

This weekend, we are packing a lunch and our new blanket and heading out to photograph the rest of the city.  And probably the surrounding countryside as well. 

In between bursts of photography, I have been sewing.  For example, I finished this valance for Natalie yesterday, and then immediately hung it up so that I could photograph it. 

Today I'm making gumbo and chicken salad and other goodies for the long weekend ahead (three cheers for Christopher Columbus!).  I plan to photograph them all, using the camera's "food" setting. 

Can you believe there's a food setting?!?!

But that's not all. 

We can take pictures at night.

Without a flash. 

I think I'm in love. 

Wishing you a weekend full of beautiful photo opportunities!  I'll meet you back here on Tuesday, possibly with a thousand pictures.  

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