Wednesday, March 16, 2011

i love you, gray t-shirts

Does anyone else love that John Mayer song?  I'm sure it has a real name, but I've never called it anything other than 'I love you, gray sweatpants', which is kind of a long name for a song, now that I think about it. 

Well.  If you are one of the three people who has not heard this song, it is about this guy who has a new fancy girlfriend, but is pining for his old comfortable girlfriend, hence the line "I love you, gray sweatpants, no makeup, so perfect." 

I came to the somewhat uncomfortable conclusion several months ago that my favorite clothing color is gray.  I think I'd always known this truth, in the back of my mind, but I could usually fool myself into thinking that it was really pink, or maybe even green.  Or red.  I look pretty good in red. 

But there comes a point in time when you have to stop lying to yourself and I reached mine last fall.  Which is why, when I located the perfect gray t-shirt last weekend, I felt justified in purchasing two.  I am embracing the gray. 

In the dead of winter, I like to rock this sweater with a bright colored shirt underneath.  It is two layers of woolly warmth and it has buttons and it's my favorite color.  Win-win-win. 

Once it warms up a bit, I can switch over to this cardigan with a tank top.  It even has pockets.

And in the summer?  Well, if you've ever seen me in the summer, I was probably wearing this skirt.  It's my favorite and I wear it at least twice a week.  It goes with everything and, if it doesn't really go, I pretend like it does. 

At first I felt like gray clothing was boring, but now I choose to think of it as classic.  It's not a trendy color- it is here to stay.  You may even find me chanting "Gray is here to Stay!" at a protest of some sort.  I'm not sure what we'd be protesting though- color? 

Probably not, because I love color, especially the lovely ones in this baby quilt I am working on.  Our friends just brought home their baby girl and I could not be more excited for them and the news immediately threw me into gift-making mode.  Once I finish the quilt, I'm going to make some matching accessories, in case any other friends want to join in the fun. 

Today is mostly a sewing day and then I have a hot date tonight with a handsome blonde.  I bet you can guess what I'll be wearing. 


  1. I love that John Mayer song! Hmmm, you have me wondering what is my go to color? I honestly don't know...

  2. Oooh, those t-shirts look SO comfy. And I love that JM song. Who doesn't?

    xox Lexi
    Glitter & Pearls

  3. You totally share my love affair with Gray!!! It's the cat's meow.

  4. United states of america t-shirts. This is the perfect tshirt for you if you are proud to be american and love america. This is a tshirt for patriotic people american t shirt

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