Monday, March 14, 2011

bloom report

We toasted the weekend with cinnamon rolls.  It was that kind of weekend- one so good that it must be celebrated with a rare treat. 

So here's the bloom report: most daffodils are up.  We are still waiting on the ones with the multiple tiny flowers.  Every day I become less and less convinced that they are coming, but I saw their picture on the bulb packaging, so I want to believe.  We'll see. 

Geraniums are on the front porch and looking fine.  They're even starting to bloom a bit.  I think that after a winter of sitting directly under a specially formulated grow light, the real sun will come as a bit of a disappointment. 

When I catch a glimpse of the pear trees in bloom out of the window, I instantly feel like I'm living in a magical garden.  I just love those trees.  I'm not sure that I will ever live in a house without pear trees, now that I know the magic. 

It's the hyacinths' freshman year and so far, so good.  I like the extra color they provide and also that they grow close to the ground.  They are a good companion for the leggy daffodils.  Steve's favorite hyacinths are the white ones.  Mine are the pink. 

The yard looks great after our weekend of hard work.  The weather was everything I could have hoped for and I even got to spend some quality time in the hammock with my library book. 

I've got an ambitious to-do list for the week that includes several fun sewing projects.  I'll be sure to share pictures along the way!

1 comment:

  1. Do you have any of the purply-blue hyacinths? Those are my favorites. Haven't planted any at the new house yet, but it's on the list for fall. :)
