Monday, February 14, 2011

red letter day

Today's the day.  I'll bet you can guess how it began. 

That's right- heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes with my sweetheart.  Definitely worth getting up a bit earlier for. 

Yesterday we got out the Valentine's day window stickers and then things really got festive.  Heart flowers growing on the back door?  Yes, please. 

Love is in the air, my friends. 

We picked up some treats for a fabulous dinner at home tonight.  My stomach is already giddy with excitement. 

 Speaking of treats, while we were out for a mini shop photo shoot this weekend, we ran across this amazing red coat and it became my Valentine's day treat.  The best thing about buying a coat in the middle of a photo shoot = lots of cool pictures in your new coat. 

This is the kind of coat that you see people wearing in the movies and you think that if you only had a coat that fit that perfectly in that exact color, movie-worthy things would happen to you too.  Or do you not think things like that during movies?  I sure do.  

The black and white wristlet will be posted in the shop tomorrow.  It can also be seen here, being modeled by the lovely who picked that classy fabric. 

And the spring scarves are posted and ready to ship!  This time, I bought enough fabric to keep one of each for myself, but there are still plenty for the shop!

I'm off to finish Steve's card and enjoy some sunshine!  Hope your day is full of love and pancakes!  

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