Friday, February 11, 2011

how to have a great valentine's day, part three

If you've never made homemade valentines, this is the year to start.  Don't wait a second longer.  Homemade valentines are so. much. fun.  And you don't have to worry that there is going to be a corny poem on the inside. 

Today I got out some of the valentines that Steve and I have given each other through the years.  I thought I would share some pictures of them to help spark your imagination for your own valentines.

One year, I sewed a paper heart pocket and filled it with little love notes.  I'm a big fan of pockets that you can put a sweet treat in. 

Nothing says "happy Valentine's day" like a good pun.  My grandmother has a plaque hanging in her kitchen that reads, "Ewe's not fat, ewe's fluffy" and has a picture of a sheep on it.  Steve thinks it is hilarious, so this card was inspired by Memaw's plaque. 

I cannot take credit for this lovely creation, but wanted to share it because I think it would make a perfect valentine.  My great aunt Jean, who has since passed away, used to make beautiful cards with rolled paper shapes on them.  She sent us this card before our wedding and I have always wanted to try to make those little hearts. 

I haven't planned out my card for Steve yet this year.  And I will have to be hush-hush about it until after Monday, because I suspect he reads my blog.  But I'll be sure to share some pictures next week.   

So now you're all set!  You've got the attitude, the recipes, and the card ideas to make Monday a day to smile about!  Oh, and I don't think I mentioned this before, but you should feel free to put chocolate chips in the pancakes.  You only live once. 

As my Valentine's day treat for you, I am aiming to get all these new scarves in the shop by Monday.  They are completed, ready and waiting, but I've hit a little road block with the pictures.  I have actually spent the past hour taking pictures of myself, which is as annoying as it sounds.  I've gotten some great pictures of the scarves draped around by themselves, but who could buy a scarf if they couldn't see a picture of someone wearing it?  I sure couldn't.  So, as soon as I: 1) find a willing model, or 2) find Steve at home during daylight hours, the scarves will be posted in the shop.  Count on it. 

Have a lovely weekend!

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