Tuesday, December 21, 2010

it's the shortest day of the year

It's hard to take clear pictures when it's so dark outside. I finished this scarf yesterday, that is really just a gift for myself, but I have enough fabric to make another one for the shop. Today, I am attempting to get some pictures of it, but daylight is elusive this morning. Every picture I took turned out grainy. And who wants to buy grainy? So I think that the actual shop posting will have to wait for a sunnier, less grainy day.

Meanwhile, can we talk about how great this scarf looks on our red coffee table? Is it weird that I want to paint more of the furniture so I can use it for photo backgrounds?

I am also loving my serger and the tidy rolled edge hems it can produce. It manages to make things look fancy, while also being way easier than a regular hem. Win-win.

So about this scarf and its origins:
I am almost always cold in the winter. I like to cover every bit of exposed skin. But (and here's the tricky part) I hate turtlenecks. I keep buying them, because they seem like a good idea, but after a day of wearing one, I have been known to say to Steve, "Don't you dare let me buy any more turtlenecks."
I love scarves. I like to wear one all day, inside. But some knitted scarves are itchy and some are too long and sometimes you need to look a little nicer than "hey, I'm wearing my snow clothes inside".
So when I saw this beautiful, lovely-soft, cotton voile fabric by Anna Maria Horner, I knew that a set of cotton scarves was in order. This blue floral is only one of the three fancy prints I ordered. I can't wait to make the other two. I'm pretty sure that I can work one of the three into my outfit every day from now until spring.

What will I fill this shortest day of the year with? A trip to the library, vacuuming (to keep warm, of course), and lots of Pandora Radio with Polar Express typed in the search field (the perfect solution when you're tired of all the Christmas CDs you own). Happy solstice!

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