Monday, December 20, 2010

holiday prep

Happiness is.... a freezer full of peanut butter balls.

Last night we baked cookies and wrapped gifts and watched Elf and had lots of Christmas fun until well past our usual bedtime.

Making peanut butter balls is not for the faint of heart. There is a lot of messy-hands action involved. The kind where I take off my rings, roll up my sleeves and go through two aprons.

Steve managed to get a little bit messier than I did. And, as I was cleaning up the counter, I heard him declare, "I think that this baker's chocolate is my favorite kind of chocolate!" I turned around to find him happily licking his hands at the sink.

Later, when he was feeling a bit ill, I asked, "How much did you eat?" and he said, "It's kind of hard to tell when you're eating it off your hands." True that.

We also made snickerdoodles, to satisfy someone's love of plain cookies.

And we wrapped a million little gifts. Doesn't it looks like Steve is the fastest gift wrapper ever in this picture? Today I had the pleasure of taking the stack of packages to the post office and putting them in someone else's hands. I love it when my part of the job is done.

As we speed towards the excitement of the weekend ahead, I am thinking about the words from our advent calendar last week:

He did not wait
till hearts were pure.
In joy he came to a tarnished
world of sin and doubt.
To a world like ours, of
anguished shame he came
and his Light would not go out.

This Christmas season, that's what I'm banking on- that no matter how deep the darkness, the Light will not go out.

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