Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas gifts, as promised

It was so hard not to share pictures throughout the month as I finished these gifts. You'll probably recognize this purse design from the shop. I made this one with fabric especially chosen for my blue-loving sister. It's reversible, of course.

The idea for this dog bed came from this book. So I guess I didn't really buy it for just one page after all. It was super easy to make- I just bought a piece of foam in the size I wanted and then made a cover to fit with a velcro closure so it can be washed. I fell in love with the fabric and I don't even like dogs.

You may also recognize this bag design from the shop. I made this one for my mom, who tends to carry around a lot of stuff. A lot.

Remember she who loves blue? She got napkins too. To match her dining room that she redid last year.

I think that my first attempt at pajama pants turned out pretty well. I only had to remake them twice. The pattern is from the same book that brought us the dog bed. The flannel that I bought ended up not being as wide as what they called for in the pattern, resulting in shorter pants. It was a Christmas miracle that these pants ended up being for my shortest family member. Whew.

And what can I say about the mice? Fun to plan, fun to make, fun to have sitting around the house. The pattern for these mice was in- you guessed it!- this book. I loved getting to use up scraps, I loved the hand stitching at the end, I loved their little ears. I love that they will be enjoyed to pieces by a certain cat and a doting cat owner. And maybe a few small dogs, when nobody's looking.

Don't they look like they're up to something? Maybe planning an escape. Brenna's going to have to keep an eye on this crowd.

I've got a few orders in the works this week that I should have some pictures of in a day or two. Also coming soon- pictures of watercolor night. And yes, it was as much fun as it sounds.

1 comment:

  1. "I fell in love with the fabric and I don't even like dogs." This is my favorite line ever! Sounds SO like me. ;)

    You're one talented gal! Wanna come over and teach me to sew?? ;)
