Monday, November 08, 2010

batten down the hatches

We had our first freeze this weekend, and, as a result, I find myself quickly setting things up for the winter ahead. Even with the chilly temperatures outside, the house seemed cozy and bright with the sun streaming in on our new rug. I am so thankful for winter sunlight.

Steve talked me into getting the soup bowls that I've had my eye on for the past year. In reality, he didn't have to do too much talking. I think he said "We should just buy these" and I said "Really?!? Okay!!"

Of course, we had to immediately come home, wash them, and try them out with the leftover corn chowder. I have to say- they were everything I hoped for and more. And they have handles! I don't know why that seems so important in a soup bowl, but I'm real excited to have something to hang onto while I eat soup this winter.

So obviously, now that I have these amazing bowls, we will need some more soup to go in them. The usual.

Many weeks ago, I had designated this week in my planner as "stock making week" (no, I am not joking), so this morning I took all the supplies out of the freezer and got to work. I also clipped the last of the herbs from the garden to join the party.

The house smelled delicious all day- like roasted chicken and Thanksgiving and parsley- and I am now in possession of a couple gallons of chicken, ham, and shrimp stock. All at my soup-making fingertips.

As I talked and dreamed on the phone with my bff today, we were both trying to put into words our ideal life. We talked about changes to make and things to strive for, but there is one thing that would certainly not change. In my ideal life, I will still be making soup.

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