Wednesday, October 09, 2013

you make the best fried chicken

I would like to preface this recipe suggestion by saying that I do not often fry food at home.  Maybe 3-4 times a year?  There is something about admitting that I fried food that makes me feel like I will be judged by all the organic salad eaters.  You know who you are.

But you guys- I can't keep quiet about these chicken tenders.  They were AMAZING.  I wanted to keep eating them all night.  Steve took one bite, looked up at me, and said, "How did you do this?"

And they were super easy.  I tossed the tenders in the marinade in the morning and mixed up the flour mixture at the same time, so when it was 30 minutes until dinner time, all I had to do was give them a quick dunk and 3 minutes of cooking time on each side. 

Here's one thing I think that helps make this chicken awesome- the flour mixture has three tablespoons of buttermilk in it.  So instead of dredging your tenders in a powdery mixture (as I've done every other single time I've made fried chicken) you are dredging them in a chunky mixture.  The result?  More crunchy bits. And I think we could all agree that fried food needs as many crunchy bits as possible.  

Making dinner feel even more like a party was the fact that I finished a new set of cloth napkins yesterday, just for us.  It is very rare these days that I make time for a personal sewing project- you know, like the shoe cobbler's kids?  Natalie and I laughed about this recently when I had to go out a buy a $15 TJMaxx diaper bag, while many of my friends walk around with Plumfield Shop originals.  

Anyway, the napkins completed my vision for our fall and winter table top, which includes the lovely gold placemats Steve's mom gave us a few years back and our winter dishes.  Yes, we have winter dishes. Mainly because the dishes we bought right after we got married have hydrangeas on them and I cannot serve Thanksgiving dinner on hydrangeas.  

Tonight we're trying out this recipe for slow cooker carnitas- I'll let you know what we think!

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