Friday, October 04, 2013

pretending fall is here

So begins the time of year when I am in constant denial about the weather.  It's October.  There are pumpkins everywhere.  Magazines show up in my mailbox with pictures of pie and stew on the front.  And it's going to be 86 degrees today.  

Of all the minor unfair things in life, hot weather in October is probably the worst.  

We went to a pumpkin patch with friends this week and wore jeans and almost melted into them.  Last night, Steve asked me where Arthur's sandals were and I told him that I'd already put away all the sandals for the year, because it's fall.  I think I heard him snicker.  

It's too hot for pants, but I feel silly wearing shorts.  All the summer produce is gone, but what are we supposed to do- sweat through a bowl of chili for dinner?  

In the interest of full disclosure, I should probably tell you that I used to live in the mountains, where warm weather did not arrive until well into May, and I found that equally maddening.  Perhaps I'm just not good with seasonal change?  

We're taking advantage of the (way too) warm weather this weekend to get some outdoor chores done.  I also plan to get out the sweaters and make some soup (lentil!) and hope for the best.  See you next week!