Friday, September 06, 2013

friday, in list form

- Last weekend, we filled the urns on our front porch with sweet potato vine and orange mums.  They make me happy every time I see them out the front door.  Also, watering them every day is at least ten minutes of fun.

- I think out loud a lot.  Now, there is someone here to hear me when I do.  Which means that today when I said to myself, "I wonder what I can take pictures of for my blog today...", somebody went and found a fabric scrap and put it on like a tie and then started making camera clicking noises.  So here you go.  

- This monster of a salad was my lunch and I feel more than fit to tackle the afternoon.  

- It's Friday again.  Thank goodness.  Let's all hope this weekend feels like fall, shall we?  I'm ready. 

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