Monday, March 25, 2013

the secret of a short list

As we dashed around town getting things done, the birds all crammed underneath the tiny ledge of our bird feeder to stay dry.  It was so wet and cold this weekend. 
I would have loved to tuck myself up under the large roof of my own house and stay dry as well, but instead my navy rain boots got quite a workout.  I don't know if I've ever actually been so thankful for my rain boots as I was this weekend. 

Steve and I try to cook dinner together one night each week.  Saturday night we made chicken with sun dried tomato sauce.  I highly recommend it.  We served it with mashed red potatoes and a spinach salad and it was the perfect spring-that-feels-like-winter meal. 

Today, it feels like I have a million things to get done.  I like to try to increase my productivity by making a fairly short to-do list.  Have you ever tried that?  I find that if my list is too long, I get overwhelmed and don't complete as many items and then I feel defeated.  But if my list is short- I know I can get it all done!  And then I feel so great when I do that I just may tackle a few other things as well!  It's a productivity trick that works quite well for me. 
Hope your Monday is productive too!

1 comment:

  1. love the bird pictures! Snow was my view from the window today. My birds were fighting over the seeds today.The red belly woodpecker was keeping everyone away. Your birds look so nice andcalm. I had a productive day...finsihed 3 little girl dresses. Let's hope they fit.pam
