Monday, March 04, 2013

a promising start to the week

You guys, I woke up giddy with excitement this morning.  Part of it was due to the fact that we had such a productive weekend and part of it was due to our post-dinner Target trip last night. 

We've been searching for a clock for my office and the search is over!  I had been looking at much smaller clocks, but Steve thought it would look cool if we really filled up the space.  He was totally right!  We bought this huge wooden clock and came right home to hang it.  Then we sat on the sofa to admire it for a bit.  I don't know- probably you had to be here to grasp the excitement. 

We went to Target specifically to pick up the clock, but ended up hitting the jackpot on a few other items while we were there as well.  I found this awesome planner than I am going to use as a business calendar.  Right now, I have small planner that I use for both personal and business and it's a little crowded.  The planner was 70% off and since we're only 18% into 2013, I think it was a great deal. 

As for our productive weekend, we took hundreds of pictures and I will be posting new items in the shop all day today (and possibly into tomorrow!).  We managed to pull off our big photo shoot with very few props, but we've been on the hunt for some lovely wooden pieces for bow tie display.  We found this one on our shopping trip last night and it's almost exactly what I'd pictured. 

In order to make room for all the new products, I've put some more items on sale, like all the men's scarves.  Be sure to check out the sale section of the shop for some great deals!

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