Wednesday, March 20, 2013

a love-hate relationship with pear trees

Despite the fact that we've seen a couple of days in the 40s and there is a freeze warning in effect for tonight, the plants are soldiering forward and pretending that spring is here.  Steve took some great pictures of our hyacinths and daffodils yesterday.  I barely even knew the hyacinths were blooming, because it's been too cold to be outside much. 
Also blooming- the pear trees.  And they are a force to be reckoned with.  And by that I mean that I love them so much and those white flowers all over town make me so happy but they have had me coughing and sneezing for five days straight.  I can't even be mad about it, that's how much I love the pear trees. 
Right now, I have a stack of new fabric on my cutting table and another big box of fabric on its way to my house.  New fabric is one of my favorite things- so much potential! 
Do you ever look at your calendar or to-do list and laugh to yourself and wonder "who is actually going to do all that?"  That's how I feel about April.  I'm off to tackle a few things now to try and lighten the load!

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