Monday, February 04, 2013

Pettigru Place

Wow.  Our weekend was so packed with fabulousness that I am going to devote the whole week to sharing about it.  In fact, it was so full that it seemed like way longer than two days.  I wonder if that is the key to weekends that seem longer?  I'll have to examine this theory later. 
First, I want to tell you about the place we stayed. 

We were attending The Maker's Summit in Greenville, South Carolina, which is a conference for makers.  Isn't that a great description?  Often, I am stuck when people ask me what I do for a living.  My answers may vary from "I sew" to "I run an online shop" to "small business owner", depending on my mood.  I think I may just start telling people that I am a Maker. 

We chose to stay at a bed and breakfast about a mile from the conference site, called Pettigru Place.  It was awesome.  Super cozy, despite the 19 degree temperatures outside (we even saw snow flurries!).  Our room was very comfortable and the owner was willing to accommodate all of our needs, from late check-in to early breakfast. 

Oh, breakfast.  I have a real love for breakfast foods.  Every morning we were treated to a pot of tea, fruit and granola, and then whatever amazing treat the owner had whipped up, from eggs Benedict with homemade Parmesan basil sauce, to breakfast cheesecake.  You heard me.  Breakfast.  Cheesecake.  In fact, on Saturday, I managed to each cheesecake at both breakfast and dinner, which was really all it took for me to consider the day a total success.  All the other stuff was just bonus. 

If it had been warmer, we totally could have walked to downtown Greenville, which I'm now tempted to go back and do.  As it was, we were pressed for time and it was teeth chatteringly cold, so we drove everywhere.  And when we got back to our room, we made tea and hot chocolate to drink in bed- the perfect end to a cold day. 

The other great thing was the bathroom.  Sometimes at a B&B, you'll find a hundred year old bathroom with terrible water pressure and lukewarm water.  Our bathroom looked recently redone, had amazing water pressure and super hot water.  The shower had one of those large, rain forest shower heads, which was cool, but not something I'd want to own.  But it was fun to try it out. 

As much as we loved it, we were both overjoyed to wake up in our own bed this morning (although I really wish there'd been someone here to make blueberry pancakes for us).  I can't wait to read over my conference notes today and map out a business plan for the coming months.  I'll be back here tomorrow to share some more pictures and tell you about some of the people we got to meet!  

1 comment:

  1. I am so ready to go! It looks and sounds absolutely wonderful!
