Wednesday, September 12, 2012

crammed = cozy

We have been working on a pretty major project around here that involves redoing my sewing space.  It is moving along quite nicely and I can't wait to have pictures to show of the finished product!  Right now we have most of the furniture in place, but are still scouting out things for the walls. 
One of the happy surprises that has taken place as a result of all this reorganization is that our dining room has taken on a new look as well. 
Confession: I've never been crazy about the dining room. 

I feel terrible saying that.  Some people don't even have a dining room.  We even painted ours a lovely color last year.  But there it is- I'd almost always rather eat in the kitchen.  Since it's just the two of us, it makes sense to eat at the counter a lot of times.  But it doesn't really encourage lingering over meals and, if there's one thing I love, it's lingering over meals. 

But with the arrival of some new office furniture, we had to move a few things out of the living/sewing room, and they all got moved to the dining room.  And instead of looking crammed, it looks cozy.  We pretty much want to be in there all the time.  I never would have guessed that filling the room up was the trick.  I always thought we needed new chairs. 

This week, I've divided my time between moving into my new office space and posting lots of new items in the shop.  Have you seen the scarves yet?  There are six new patterns and I want to wear them all.  At the same time.  But it's going to have to get a bit colder before I try that.  I always love to know what someone other than myself thinks about fabrics I've chosen, so I'm super curious- which one is your favorite? 

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