Monday, July 16, 2012

P is for...

Our weekend can be summed up with one word: painting.  We painted our bathroom and, while I know you may be fooled into thinking that such a small room would be quick to paint, it took the majority of the weekend.  We still have to hang curtains and shower rods and such, but I thought I'd offer a glimpse of the color today.  It's a warm gray, called "Fading Light", and, thankfully, we love it.  So I'll save the full bathroom reveal for later, when I have nice pictures to go with it.  For now, I'll just say that after I cut my thumb twice and we got stuck in the bathroom because we removed the door knob, Steve had to buy me frozen yogurt for dinner to convince me to keep going. 

We did actually get some time to relax yesterday and then we cooked dinner together in the evening.  Steve is a great cooking partner.

I don't usually like to cook on the weekends, but if we do it together it feels more like an event and less like a chore.  Or sometimes I just need to say to myself, "This is not a chore."  Funny how that actually works. 

The good news about cooking on the weekend is that we have lots of leftovers today.  That gives me more time for important things like sewing and photography.  Do you know that I have at least a dozen new zipper pouches upstairs, just waiting to be posted in the shop?  Hopefully this will be the week! 

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