Wednesday, July 25, 2012

incomplete sentences and colored pencils

I just had the urge to start blogging in list form again:

- Lots of drawing.  Graph paper everywhere.

- Hours of design work on the computer

- Only one more week of sewing class

- You know it's serious when I pull out the French curve

- Ordered scarf fabric for fall.  Lots of it.  Super excited. 

- Barbecue chicken every night this week.  No time to stop and cook something else.

Apparently, my speech functioning has been reduced to partial sentences.  Sorry about that- I used to have quite a vocabulary.  I blame the fact that I have been working so hard every day that my brain hurts and then Steve gets home and we work for a few more hours, for good measure. 

What are we working on?  We're designing our own fabric, and if that sounds awesome, it is, and if it sounds super hard, it's that too. 

Why so frantic?  We're designing it for an event that is a mere five weeks away.  Meaning I need to have the fabric here at my home in three weeks, so that I can actually make something with it.  Meaning I need to order the fabric in one week, so that it can be printed up and get to me in time.  So you see what that means. 

 Keeping me company while I work is this picture that I found when I was digging out my old colored pencils.  I love this picture.  Not sure why it was in with the art supplies.  I believe that it is circa 2000, the only year that my siblings and I were all the same size.  Just look at us- practially quadruplets!  Our ages at the time- 11, 20, 14, 15.  I miss those rascals now that we're all grown and living in four different houses, three different states, two different time zones. 

It's back to work for me now- I'll stop in on Friday with an update and hopefully some better sentence structure. 

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