Friday, June 01, 2012

forced relaxation

Last weekend, we specifically set aside lots of time for fun.  Do you ever have to do that? 

Steve and I are such natural workers that, if we didn't make a real effort, we would spend every weekend trimming bushes and doing laundry, with a little window cleaning thrown in for fun.  I'm not kidding. 

I'm also not kidding about the fact that Steve recently discovered the joy of chopsticks and wants to use them for every food now.  Fruit salad?  Chopsticks.  Grilled sausage?  Chopsticks.  Peanuts?  Chopsticks. 

Yes, peanuts. 

But back to the fun.  We like to sit in our lounge chairs in half sun and half shade.  Sometimes we read, sometimes we talk.  Usually I get bitten by some type of bug and end up needing an ice pack or hydro cortisone cream.  I know- I'm real high maintenance. 

Saturday night, we went to see a play called "Southern Hospitality" at our favorite theater- the Little Theater of Gastonia.  It is a small community theater that puts on local productions.  Steve heard about it on the radio shortly after we moved here and we have been fans ever since. 

We usually stand out a bit in the crowd due to our... youthfulness, shall we say.  Sometimes we have really funny conversations with the people sitting around us.  Everyone is super friendly. 

Last weekend, as soon as we were seated, the lady behind me tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me, but I think you two are much too young to be here."  Thus began a super fun conversation, where this lady and her friend tried to guess our ages (they picked 22 and 25 respectively, and I was thrilled to be "younger" than Steve) and find out why in the world we were at this play on a Saturday night. 

Right before intermission, I heard one of the ladies whisper to the other, "I'm really bored...or sleepy.  I think I had too much to drink at that cocktail party.  I thought I was having a glass of wine, but it turned out to be vodka."

They left soon after and we couldn't stop laughing. 

I think all of our relaxing was great practice for vacation- like stretching before the big race.  We're headed toward home today.  It's always sad to leave the beach, but I do love to be home.  I'll be back Monday with some beach pictures to share!

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