Tuesday, June 12, 2012

ankle deep

Good morning, friends!  Yesterday got away from me and before I knew it I was ankle deep in a pile of fabric scraps and it was 5:00 and I hadn't blogged yet. 

Sometimes my weeks end up being heavy on sewing work and other times they are heavy on administrative and planning work.  This week is shaping up to be heavy on... both.

I finished this farmer's market tote for a very environmentally conscious three year old and shipped it out.  I had actually packaged it up and done everything short of taping the box closed when I remembered to pull it back out and get a few pictures. 

I always feel sad when I made something- especially if it's a custom design- and then forget to photograph it.  I really enjoy having a photo diary of every item I've made- kind of like a sewing yearbook. 

Last week, I noticed that there are only a few party kits left in the shop, so I decided that a new 4th of July fabric bunting was in order.  Fabric buntings are one of my favorite things to make because they are a great way to use up fabric scraps and cutting all those little triangles (120!) is sort of meditative. 

I'm super excited about some of the changes that will be occurring in the shop this summer!  Some older items will be moving out to make room for new designs and prints.  I'll be sure to keep you posted on the progress! 

Now I'm headed back to the ironing board with hopes of crossing lots of items off my list for the day.  It's rainy and for some reason I'm usually super productive when it rains- strange, but true.


  1. Can't wait to see the new shop stuff!

  2. I love this. Because we are expecting this fall my wife has been getting the nursery ready. She actually did something very similar to this but instead of fabric did it with maps. She just cut out triangles from map pieces. We have a travel themed room and it worked out great. It was a super easy project not like trying to clean or move an appliance.
