Friday, April 06, 2012

dreaming of

We're not hosting our traditional Easter lunch this year.  I've done so much cooking lately with all of our visitors (and we have round two arriving today!) that it just seemed like too much. 

BUT- if I were cooking for Easter, I know what I'd be making.  I may keep some of these recipes in the back of my mind for a fun, late-April meal. 

I'm dreaming of mustard glazed ham, baked onions (I'm obsessed with sweet onions lately), and maybe some biscuits and a salad with strawberries to round it out.  For appetizers, I'd make these lemon-dill chicken salad stuffed eggs- in fact, I may need to make those for lunch in the very near future.  I'm salivating just typing the words. 

And for dessert?  I'd like to have a key lime pound cake with some fresh whipped cream.  Or just a bowl of strawberries.  Is there anything better than strawberry season?  I can't think of it right now if there is. 

But instead of cooking all that, this weekend will be for relaxing.  We'll probably eat fruit and yogurt parfaits once or twice (yes those are chocolate chips- don't judge) and plenty of leftovers.  I've been eyeballing lots of plants in our yard that need to be moved and I just might get the motivation to do it.  I want to pack away the sweaters and unearth the flip-flops from under the guest bed.  I'm in full-on spring mode here.

And I'm mostly looking forward to spending time with this guy.  We've had a busy few weeks and there's nothing that sounds better to me than sitting in our back yard, chatting away the afternoon. 

Have a happy Easter!  Eat some ham on my behalf!


  1. Happy Easter! Great picture of you and your man.

  2. What a wonderful picture of the two of you together! I get happy just looking at it.
    I would love to try some of those delicious sounding recipes some time.
    You two are truly a gift.
    Love you,
