Tuesday, February 21, 2012

we saw snow

The combination of living in the south and an unseasonably warm winter all over the place have made snow a novelty.  Gone are the days of my childhood- of being sick of the slushy, dirty snow lining the streets for weeks on end.  The times that I have been disappointed about an event being cancelled due to snow are but a distant memory. 

We didn't even see it fall.  Is that cheating?  We spent the weekend in Northern Virginia, possibly the only part of Virginia that did not get snow.  But as we drove home, the reflective white covered more and more of the grass and trees until we couldn't take it anymore.  We pulled off on a farm road and jumped out of the car to take snow pictures like it was our own snow.  I was a little excited to have to kick my shoes against the side of the car before getting back in.  It's the little things, right?

And then, of course, long before we got home, it was gone.  We stopped for lunch at Jumbo Family Restaurant.  Please notice that, according to the sign, its defining characteristic is air conditioning.  Thankfully, they did not have it on while we were there. 

What they did have were waitresses who call you "sweetie", vinyl covered booths, and a menu that included a grilled cheese sandwich for $1.60.  We filled up on country fried steak and mashed potatoes and gravy and it was almost like someone had invited us over to their grandmother's house for lunch. 

Our weekend was fun too.  We went to the Mall and in several of the Smithsonian buildings, which I hadn't done in years.  We shopped and went to nurseries and played pool (very poorly, I might add).  We watched the season finale of Downton Abbey.  Am I the last person on earth to discover this show?  I fear it could be addicting. 

Oh, and we ate cake.  Chocolate cake with mocha filling that was over the top delicious.  Can I say that when I made it?  I think so.  I try not to be biased when it comes to important things, like cake. 

I love a long weekend, but it always makes the week seem a little more frantic.  I'm off to tackle the laundry and work on a fabric order and hope that makes me feel caught up again. 

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