Monday, February 06, 2012

so this is what hard work looks like

I have some seriously exciting shop stuff going on right now.  Most of it is still in my head.  But that's where everything has to start, right? 

Last week, I set up a work zone in the living room so that I could spread out.  I always think more clearly with plenty of room.  After a few hours of work, I realized that my "discard" pile was almost as tall as the table I was working on.  And I know you're probably wondering at my sanity, taking pictures of a big pile of trash and all, but I thought to myself, "Sometimes hard work looks like a dozen brightly colored zipper pouches and sometimes it looks like a big pile of trash."  And then I took a few pictures, as a way to sort of validate the importance of my work that day. 

So what am I working on that looks so much like trash?  Inspiration boards.  I have a whole slew of ideas about new products and unique fabrics and I just needed a way to get the vision in my head onto some paper.  Inspiration boards are great for that- you fill them with pictures and fabric swatches and paint samples and maybe a few sketches and- all of a sudden- you have some of your brain out where everyone can see it.  But not in a gross way, because that sounded sort of gross when I typed it out. 

I'm still working, but can't wait to show you something in a few weeks here.  Today, I'm getting the house back in order after a fun weekend with friends.  We finished up the weekend with a Superbowl party for two last night.  I made crispy chicken bites and twice baked potato skins (an idea inspired by my brother) and blue cheese dip with veggies.  I cheered for the Patriots, not because I have any professional football team loyalty at all (this was the only game I've watched this season), but because I think it's so cute that a bunch of tiny states had to all band together to make one football team.  And if you think that's poor reasoning, just wait until you hear how I choose teams for March Madness...

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