Tuesday, January 03, 2012

january in my head, december in my heart

I have a confession: it is still Christmas at our house. 

I haven't taken down a single decoration.  The lights are still up- inside and out.  We're still watering the tree.  Every windowsill is full of greenery and pine cones. 

This morning, we came downstairs in our pajamas and did pilates with the fireplace on and Christmas music playing.  Just like we've done for the past four weeks. 

I'm just not done yet. 

We had such a lovely December and wonderful Christmas break that I want to keep celebrating it a little longer.  Over the break we saw lots of family and old friends, drank plenty of hot chocolate, and had five separate gift exchanges- one that happened at a Cracker Barrel off the interstate.  We also got plenty of time at home, ate great food, and went shopping. 

Growing up, we often left the Christmas decorations up through January 3rd, because that is my sister's birthday and she liked to have the tree up for it.  (Hi Bren!  Happy Birthday!)  This year, I think we're holding out for Epiphany.*

Last night was our final night of Christmas vacation.  I was feeling a little melancholy.  But Steve, who almost always knows exactly what I need, suggested that we make it a party evening.  We watched Midnight in Paris and roasted chestnuts and had more hot chocolate.  The movie was charming.  I loved the music and the scenery and the story was sweet and unexpected. 

Today, back in the real world, piles of laundry and ironing await me.  I have a list of emails to respond to, dinner to make, and several custom sewing orders to attend to.  And I plan to get it all done- with a smile- cozy by the glow of the Christmas tree. 

*Epiphany falls on January 6th and is the feast commemorating the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus

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