Monday, January 23, 2012

if you're not hungry, you will be soon

There's something about our new kitchen lights that makes me feel like I'm on a cooking show.  Food just looks great under bright lights! 

As I looked back over our pictures from the past week, I noticed that they were mostly of food. 

You know what I like to do. 

We've had some pretty great meals recently, but this weekend especially amazing.  It was cold and rainy and we barely left the house.  In fact, on Saturday I was only out of my pajamas for a couple of hours.  Just long enough to run to the store and pick up a few more groceries. 

Friday night I made macaroni and cheese with chicken and we enjoyed it all weekend long.  It's one of those casseroles that gets better with each reheating. 

On Saturday, we decided to make brunch together.  Cooking with Steve is one of my favorite things.  We both love eggs Benedict, but have never made them at home.  Feeling ambitious, Steve watched this cool You Tube video and learned how to make poached eggs for us.  I did a little Internet searching and found this easy blender Hollandaise sauce recipe and it turned out great on the first try!  I'm not sure what we were happier about- the delicious food, or the new skills that we learned! 

Our cast iron skillet was in almost constant use, and we pulled it out one more time to make a berry crumble on Saturday night. 

Berry crumble + Haagen-Dazs vanilla bean ice cream + fire in the fireplace + watching Mary Tyler Moore with my sweetheart = the best kind of weekend entertainment

After listing everything out like this, I'm a little shocked that we didn't have to roll each other out of bed this morning.  I promise that we ate very reasonable portions of everything, and also threw in some apples and oranges for good measure.  And tea- always lots of tea.  Our new favorite is Celestial Seasonings Lemon Zinger.  It's pink! 

The rain continues and today I'm feeling thankful to be dry at home, working my way through a pretty fun list of Monday tasks. 

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